Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Some random thoughts for your enjoyment

A had a few random thoughts tonight that really sparked my mind

1. Music isn't a competition, it is about self expression

2. It would suck to be the first guy to discover a poisonous plant

3. How do bad things happen to good people?

4. how can we end up being alone?

5.  I forgot

6.  What would have happened if it never had happened?

7. What are you thinking about when you are reading this?

8. eight was supposed to be really good so let's see if I can remember it by the time number 9 comes...

9. Nope...not yet.....

10. How can my mind be so conflicted with the truth?

11. Will lyme ever go away?

12. Will anyone ever care?

13. Too many questions and not enough statements.

14. My family has been through some shit

15. I've been through some shit

16. I am still going through shit

17. I think people like to hear about happy things....things that make you feel good, or them feel good. They don't want to hear about the struggle, the hard work, the loneliness, the things that make us human. But I like to hear about the struggle, the hard work, the agony and trials. I think its inspirational, I think it's what makes us grow as humans. To deepen our understanding of each other and the world around us. Why wouldn't you want to do that?

18. I was wondering what the meaning of life was but I kind of answered my own question.

19. How does everybody talk about fake people? If one person is talking about a fake person and then the other person who is being talked about is talking the person who saying they are a fake, what is it that? Do you know if you're fake?

20. How the fuck am I so different from everyone else. I used to think maybe it wasn't true or I didn't want it to be, but it really is true. I am different from a lot of people. I wonder why....

21. Could I ever make a good living being an artist....(million dollar question here)

22. I don't know the answer but I am still going to try....because when you're on the bed in the hospital and your heart rate is in the 30's, your lying there in pain and not sure if you will wake up tomorrow, and you dream of all the things you used to do, all the people you would see, the food you would eat, the places you would see, and the things you could do,....and you realize you haven't done any of it....and you really ask yourself with an honest open heart...."What have I done with my life?" and really mean every single word of that sentence....you never take the chance of a lifetime to get another shot at doing it, and fuck it up....because when the time comes where I have to ask myself that question again, I want to be happy with the answer.

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